[ndbug] mailing list upgrade (GNU Mailman 3)

N.J. Thomas njt at ayvali.org
Tue Jan 3 13:58:08 PST 2023

Hi all,

I've been looking around for a replacement for GNU Mailman 2 for a long
time now. It's main dependency, Python 2, has long been EOL'd, and it
was always living on borrowed time.

I mostly stuck with v2 because It Just Worked and because v3 was not in the
FreeBSD ports tree until around 2 years ago or so, so I was waiting for
it to mature and wanted to hear feedback from other folks who had tried
the upgrade first.

In the meantime, the official FreeBSD lists moved to mlmmj
(http://mlmmj.org/), so I started considering that package as well.

The problem for me is that I run multiple lists, and a lot of them are
used by non-technical folks. I thought I would have move some of my
lists on to mlmmj and others to Mailman 3, but have since decided
against managing two different mailing list packages, so I've decided to
go the Mailman 3 route for now.

Since the NDBUG talk list is low-traffic, I'm going to be moving this
first. I'll try and do this as transparently as possible, but please
excuse the dust while we are under construction.


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